Vector Biology and Control Laboratory
The Vector Biology and Control Laboratory in the Department of Zoology, Post Graduate College of Science Saifabad, Osmania University, Hyderabad, since its inception, has been focusing on various biological mosquito control methods for lessening of the mosquito menace and their causative diseases. In urban areas, sewage disposal is a challenging task due to fast emerging urbanization, which has became a paradise for some of the mosquito species to successfully reproduce. In cities like
Map Showing the Circles wise Areas in MCH
Shri Sanjay Jaju, IAS, Commissioner, MCH and Chief Guest of the Workshop

Shri Sanjay Jaju, IAS, Lighting of the lamp during Inagural session of Two-day National Workshop on Integrated Mosquito Management and Future Directives (IMMFD)
Inaguration by Prof. P. Umamaheshwara Reddy
Prof. P. Umamaheshwara Reddy, Dean, Development and UGC Affairs, Osmania University and founder President of Hyderabad Mosquito Control Association , lighting the lamp during inauguration of Two-day National Workshop on “Integrated Mosquito Management and Future Directives (IMMFD)” at P. G. College of Science, Saifabad Hyderabd.
Dignitaries on the dais during the inaugural session of IMMFD Workshop
Dignitaries on the dais during the inaugural session of IMMFD Workshop from left to right Prof. P. Umamaheshwara Reddy (Dean, Development and UGC Affairs, Osmania University, Hyderabad), Prof. A. P. Dash (Director, National Institute of Malaria Research, Delhi), Prof. V. Surender Rao (Principal, P. G. College of Science, Saifabad, O U, Hyderabad), Sri. Sanjay Jaju, IAS (Commissioner, Municipal Corporation of